12xx Self-aligning ball bearing double row


The 1200 series self-aligning ball bearings are self-aligning versions of the 6200 series bearings. The ball basket and the inner ring can turn together on the outer ring due to the special design of the inner surface of the outer ring, so it can even compensate for significant axis angle deviations. The 1200 series self-aligning ball bearings are also manufactured with a tapered (1:12) inner ring on the shaft side. Indication of taper: suffix K.



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12xx Self-aligning ball bearing double row
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Az 1200-as sorozatú csapágyak leggyakoribb utójelei: SS=rozsdamentes anyag, K=kúposság a belső gyűrűben. További információt a katalógusokban találhat a LETÖLTHETŐ DOKUMENTUMOK fülre kattintva.