H pulleys


The side profile of H-profile toothed belt discs resembles a gear. The wedge angle of the teeth is 40 degrees. It is also of equal width on the teeth and in the valleys between the teeth. The H pulleys have a pitch of 1/2 inch, i.e. 12.7 mm. The division can be measured from interdental center to interdental center, or from mid-tooth to mid-tooth. The standard dial code can be used in five types: 075 i.e. 19.05mm (~19mm), or 100 i.e. 25.4mm (~25mm), or 150 i.e. 38.1mm (~38mm), or 200 i.e. 50.8 (~50), or 300 i.e. 76.2 (~76) straps. For rimless versions, belt guide flange can be purchased separately.

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A Méret1 mezőben a tárcsa átmérőjét, a Méret2 mezőben a fogszámot, a Méret3 mezőben pedig a teljes szélességet tüntettük fel.

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