40A coil chains


One roll of 40A ANSI200 marked roller chain unit contains 5 meters in length. (Certain products can be 50m or 100 meters, this is marked separately.) Each 5-meter unit package (box) contains a roll of roller chain and a piece of straight patent eye. 40A ANSI200 roller chains can be single-row (simplex, designation 40A-1), double-row (duplex, designation 40A-2) and three-row (triplex, designation 40A-3). 

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40A coil chains
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The pitch of the 40A chains is 63.5 mm, the inner width is 37.85 mm, and the roller diameter is 39.68 mm. For roller chains marked 40A, a cotter pin marked 40A and a sprocket marked 40A must be used. When installing a chain drive, the tensile strength of the roller chains specified in the catalog must always be taken into account! Downloadable catalog under the Downloadable Documents tab.