Worm gear units

General information


Worm gears (also known as worm gearboxes) are important tools in mechanical engineering that are used in many different fields. These devices efficiently transfer and convert torque from the electric motor to the driven device. When worm gear is used, the output shaft is always perpendicular to the drive shaft, i.e. the shaft of the drive coming out of the worm gear will be perpendicular to the location of the electric motor. Thus, we can say that a worm gear always changes the speed of the drive motor, torque and direction of drive! In addition, they have a compact design, which allows flexible placement.


Their installation and sizing are simple, do not require serious training. Overall, worm gearboxes are a universal and reliable tool for transferring mechanical energy and efficiently operating many industrial processes.

worm gears are widely used in industry, such as to operate conveyors, mixers, gearboxes and lifting equipment. The great advantage of such actuators is that they operate quietly, work with high efficiency and require little maintenance. They usually have lifetime lubrication, in most cases you do not need to change the oil or add it to the amount of oil poured into it at the factory. However, under certain installation conditions, certain manufacturers may require additional oil to be added to the gearbox. Further information on these conditions and recommended types of oil can be found in the catalogues and/or operating instructions.

Worm gears are widely used in industry, such as to operate conveyors, mixers, gearboxes and lifting equipment. The great advantage of such actuators is that they operate quietly, work with high efficiency and require little maintenance. They usually have lifetime lubrication, in most cases you do not need to change the oil or add it to the amount of oil poured into it at the factory. However, under certain installation conditions, certain manufacturers may require additional oil to be added to the gearbox. Further information on these conditions and recommended types of oil can be found in the catalogues and/or operating instructions.

What is gear ratio for worm gears?

The ratio by which the gearbox changes the speed of rotation of the drive-in electric motor is called the gear ratio. In the case of worm gears, we are always talking about deceleration ratios, i.e. the driven speed will always be less than the drive speed. Example: i=10 (or 1:10) means that worm gear reduces the number of revolutions of the electric motor by one-tenth. i=100 (or 1:100) means that the worm gear reduces the speed of the drive-in electric motor for one hundredth...

What power can I connect an electric motor to my worm gear?

The maximum permissible power of the drive-in motor is always specified by the worm gear manufacturer. Example: P=0.55kW in the worm gear description means that worm gear must not be used with an electric motor with a power greater than 0.55kW. If more than one P value is indicated in the description, the manufacturer has given different values for the load on the gearbox as a function of speed. Example: P2p = 1.4kW means that when using a two-pole electric motor (approx. 3000 rpm), the maximum permitted power can be 1.4kW. P4p = 0.93kW means that when using a four-pole electric motor (approx. 1500 rpm), the maximum authorised power can be 0.93kW. P6p = 0.71kW means that when using a six-pole electric motor (approx. 1000 revolutions), the maximum permitted power can be 0.71kW. Using an electric motor with more power than allowed will lead to certain failure of the gearbox and will result in loss of warranty!