The ekszij.hu webshop is available in English!
We would like to inform our dear customers that from 24 January 2025 the ekszij.hu webshop will be available in the ENGLISH language version. You can choose the language you want to use by using the language selector in the top right corner of the webshop.
When you hover the mouse over the small globe or the language name, a drop-down menu appears with the words Magyar, English, Deutsch. Click on the label to select the appropriate language.
In our webshop, the framework, the images and texts of the products and the mailing will be translated into the language specified by the user. Text documents such as news, T&Cs, FAQs and About Us have not yet been translated.
Please note that since of October 2024, international shipping is available in our online shop (when ordering, set the shipping country to the appropriate foreign country and you will be able to ship abroad). And now our webshop is also available in the most important foreign languages! We are looking forward to welcoming our foreign language customers!